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School Uniform

Find below our School uniform and more information on how to obtain it. 


Here are the uniform expectations of children at East Park Academy.


Clothing with the East Park logo can only be purchased from the MyChildAtSchool app.




White or light blue polo shirt or shirt

Grey or black skirt, pinafore or trousers

Royal blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt (with or without East Park Academy logo)

White socks

Black shoes (no trainers)

*(In Summer a blue and white checked or striped school dress can be worn)




White or light blue polo shirt or shirt

Grey or black trousers

Royal blue jumper or sweatshirt (with or without East Park Academy logo)

Black shoes (no trainers)


Nursery children


Light blue jumper or cardigan (with East Park Academy logo) are available


PE kit


East Park t-shirt (in house colours)

Black shorts

Black pumps (for indoor P.E.)

Trainers (for outdoor P.E.)

Black, blue or grey tracksuit can be worn for outdoor P.E.



Uniform Swap

Our children grow out of uniform, fast! Often the uniform that they grow out of could be useful to another child. To support our children and families we have a uniform swap rail in our school reception area where parents can drop off or take any items of uniform that might be helpful.

MCAS app


Download the MyChildAtSchool app to purchase school uniform, play for school clubs, and school visits and communication from school.

Download from the app store
Download from the google play store
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