Physical Education

Subject Overview
At East Park Academy, our broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum provides our children with positively challenging and enticing experiences, promoting the well-being of young people and allowing growth for their personal development.
Physical Education allows our children to develop their knowledge and understanding of skills so that they can confidently perform in a range of physical activities. Our broad and engaging Physical Education curriculum involves: movement skills, dance, gymnastics, target games, multi-skills, striking and fielding, outdoor adventurous activities, co-operation, swimming, invasion games, athletics and many more.
The children are exposed to a range of exciting and enthralling experiences, promoting a love of learning through the exploration of thinking and applying skills. Our children will understand how being active and exercising plays an important role throughout their lives in having a healthy lifestyle.
We believe that a high quality and inclusive Physical Education curriculum will improve children’s physical literacy through improving confidence, motivation and physical competence.  Our vision is to nurture children to build self-esteem and develop leadership skills. Physical Education is about providing our children with the opportunity to stay active for life, staying motivated and fostering a continued confidence. It is important for children to enjoy physically active and understand how to integrate it into everyday life, as well as being able to take personal responsibility for their physical literacy by making the choice to be regularly active.
Physical Education at East Park is also threaded and interwoven into our extra-curricular programme, providing our children with a range of sporting activities to take part in after school. Alongside this, the children are provided with opportunities to take part in sporting competitions, encouraging the love of sport which inspires all children to achieve their best potential beyond the school.