
Subject Overview
At East Park Academy we ensure children experience a deep, broad and rich knowledge of history that ignites passion and understanding about their local history, history in Britain, and within our wider world.
Children will develop a sense of chronology, exploring how history has changed, how history links us today and the impacts history can have on our futures.
We inspire curiosity as children are submersed into key historical concepts, exploring through skills of enquiry, examining primary and secondary sources and evidence, as well as how historical perspective can impact how the past can be interpreted.
Throughout this curriculum, children will focus on life within specific time frames, and develop the knowledge and skills to discuss and debate continuity and change, causes and consequences, similarities and differences and the significance of specific people and events within the era they are learning about.
Our curriculum will excite children about History, to develop keen historians who are passionate when exploring the past, children who want to share their expertise, and have a true interest and real love of learning within this subject.