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Subject Overview

At East Park we aim to provide the children with profound knowledge and understanding of the world through the teaching and learning of Geography.


The children will explore and develop locational and place knowledge starting with their own community and local surrounding areas, to exploring the UK, parts of Europe and our wider world: America and the Caribbean.   


The children will develop knowledge through key geographical concepts, exploring human and physical features, cultural, sustainable and environmental aspects of places they study and the impact these factors can have on societies and the world.  

Children will investigate their learning through geographical enquiry developing their knowledge and skills. Children will experience fieldwork, examine sources, develop mapping skills and explore how weather and tourism impacts on people and places.                                                              


Our aim is to inspire curiosity when exploring the world, to develop enthusiastic geographers with knowledge, skills, appreciation and acceptance of the roles in which we play as citizens. To share a passion and understanding of life, people and places. We strive for children to be able to communicate how and why places change and adapt and to know how we can support and sustain the world for our own and future generations, from the knowledge they have gained in Geography.  

Child looking at a globe



Child in classroom





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