Find out about our Junior Leadership Team, Year 6 Leadership Team, Year 1 and 2 Eco Team and Little Leaders!

At East Park Academy, we take great pride in being a vital part of our community, ensuring that all our children leave school with the confidence and resilience needed to thrive beyond our school gates. Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and is thoughtfully sequenced to provide a variety of opportunities for the children to explore and discover their own passions in life.
Our school is guided by the East Park 8 values, which underpin everything we do.
As a proud member of Manor Multi Academy Trust, our staff and children work collaboratively with drive and determination to bring out the best in everyone, enabling us all to reach our full potential. We inspire our children to be the very best version of themselves through our school vision, "Growing Hearts and Minds".
I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher at East Park Academy and to be part of this wonderful community.
Alan Rogers